Africa Led Movement to #EndFGM -
When I learned about the effects of FGM/C, I met my grown daughters, asked for forgiveness, and told them about FGM/C. I committed to ending it in our family and advised them to spread awareness to
Quarterly Newsletter - January - March 2023
Between April and June 2023, over 6.5 million Somalis are predicted to be in Crisis or worse (IPC Phase 3 or higher), with 1.9 million in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). Through mid-2023, a very worrisome
We, the NGOs, are overstretched. The widening gap between the increased humanitarian needs in Somalia/Somaliland and the limited assistance we can provide is threatening to steal what hope remains on
Our Theory of Change Social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication are achieved through purposeful individual and collective action to shift unequal and unjust power, whether hidden
Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment Report
Somaliland, home of 4.17 million people (2020 data;, is facing one of the deadliest drought and food crises in its history. The Government of Somaliland along with the UN agencies
ACTIONAID SOMALIA/SOMALILAND'S COUNTRY STRATEGIC PAPER V - “People’s Action Toward Social Justice” (2020 - 2024)
This Country Strategy Paper (CSP V) is the result of rigorous and participatory processes involving
critical analysis of external and internal organizational context and midterm review of the Country