ACTIONAID SOMALIA/SOMALILAND'S COUNTRY STRATEGIC PAPER V - “People’s Action Toward Social Justice” (2020 - 2024)
“People’s Action Towards Social Justice" 2020-2024
This Country Strategy Paper (CSP V) is the result of rigorous and participatory processes involving
critical analysis of external and internal organizational context and a midterm review of the Country
Strategy Paper IV performance, as well as thorough consultations with all relevant stakeholders
including community, partners, government officials, academia, international and UN agencies,
CSO networks, including women-led organizations and resource persons. Donors were also
consulted to ensure that the strategy is linked to their priority focus areas. A peer Desk Review
team also rigorously reviewed the CSP IV's overall impact, challenges, and lessons learnt in
implementation and made recommendations to inform the new CSP. The strategy contributes
to the ActionAid Global Strategy ‘Action for Global Justice.’ However, it is deeply contextualized to Somalia, including Somaliland, to remain relevant. It is a reaffirmation of our commitment
and solidarity to the people living in poverty and exclusion and their communities, which are represented by well-established women's organizations, women groups, and networks.