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ActionAid International ("AAI," "ActionAid", “the Federation”, "We", "Us", "Our") understands and values the importance of individual privacy. At ActionAid We are strongly committed to protecting the


Somaliland Country Strategy IV 2013-2017

This is the fifth country strategy since ActionAid Somaliland (AAIS) began its work in Somalia/Somaliland in 1980s. It will provide a strategic direction for the country programme over the next five


Improvement of food security for the poorest rural communities in Somaliland

A photo booklet which explains the project strategic objectives to contribute to the improvement of the living condition of the poorest and marginalised communities in Somaliland.

Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Marodijeh and Gabiley Regions in Somaliland

Executive summary1. Marodijeh and Gabiley (M&G) regions of Somaliland together produce higher quantities of cereals and vegetables than the total of these commodities produced by other regions of the


ActionAid Somaliland October 2015, Newsletter

SAFE CITY CELEBRATED: AAS celebrated safe city campaign by holding a dialogue on the sexual violence and harassmentCLASS OF HOPE: We sat on stone and used empty jerrycan as our desk. We had our class

Drought Needs Assessment in Somaliland

KEY FINDINGS• 12300 persons of 2015 HHs(5% HH and 5% population) in the LRP villages are affected in worst form and 108133 persons (of 18021 HHs) (40% population) affected severely;• 35-40% families


ActionAid Somaliland January 2015, Newsletter

 ActionAid Somaliland (AAS) and its partners held a series of activities including consecutive consultation meetings with the different sectors of the community to mark the 16 Days of Activism. 



How to contact ActionAid in Somaliland.

Opinion /

Covid-19 demonstrates why Zero Tolerance Day for Female Genital Mutilation is more important than ever.

Saturday, 6th February marked the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Every year, we reflect on progress made and the challenges that we still face to end FGM or

Community members learning about FGM/C in Ina-Afmadoobe village, Burao district.

Quarterly Newsletter - April - June 2023

Our community-based approach centres on the conviction that shifting gender relations and the way girls and women are valued is crucial for overcoming societal norms and customs that support

OCHA reported that Somalia and the Ethiopian highlands  remain in drought despite seasonal rains that caused flash  flooding.